Bathroom Shower Drain

How to Clean a Shower Drain and Prevent unwanted Odor?


Nobody wants to dread entering their shower, only to be hit with an unpleasant smell from a clogged drain. It’s not just frustrating and gross – it can quickly become a larger problem if you don’t take the time to properly clean and clear the drain. Lucky for you, we have some tips on how to clean a shower drain (and keep it that way!) so that your bathroom stays pleasant and safe from unwanted odors or bacteria. So whether you’re looking for simple maintenance advice or deep cleaning instructions, stay with us as we discuss  everything you need to know about keeping your drains in tip-top shape!


Shower Drain Cleaning Guide: How to Prevent Unwanted Odor


How Often to Clean a Shower Drain?

Regular maintenance of your shower drain is crucial for optimal performance and cleanliness. We recommend cleaning it at least once a month to get rid of buildup from hair, soap residue, or other solids that can lead to clogging if not properly removed with the help of a plunger, snake tool, or commercial solution. Long-haired households may need additional attention every two weeks in order to ensure long-lasting hygiene standards – though be sure never mix any chemicals together as this could produce toxic gases!

Bathroom Shower
Bathroom Shower | Tanaqua Project


What are the tools needed to Clean a Shower Drain?

Cleaning a shower drain is an important part of maintaining good hygiene and preventing clogs.

Here are some tools you may need to clean your shower drain:


Drain snake

Cleaning solution

Baking Soda and Vinegar

Hot water

The tools you need to clean your shower drain will depend on the severity of the clog and the type of drain you have. It is always a good idea to wear gloves and use caution when cleaning any drain.

How to Clean a Shower Drain With a Toilet Plunger?

A plunger can be an effective tool for removing minor clogs from your shower drain. Choose a plunger with a rubber cup that fits snugly over the drain opening. Cleaning a shower drain with a toilet plunger can be an effective way to remove minor clogs.

Here are the steps you can follow:

Remove any visible debris:
Use your fingers or a pair of tweezers to remove any hair, soap scum, or other visible debris from the drain.

Fill the shower with enough water to cover the plunger:
The water will create a seal around the plunger, which will help to dislodge the clog.

Place the plunger over the drain:
Make sure the plunger cup is completely covering the drain opening.

Create a seal:
Push down on the plunger to create a seal. The plunger should be submerged in the water, and there should be no air bubbles.

Pump the plunger:
Use a rapid, up-and-down pumping motion to create suction and pressure. Continue to pump for about 20 to 30 seconds.

Test the drain:
Remove the plunger and run water to see if the clog has been removed. If the water is still draining slowly, repeat the process several times.

Clean the plunger:
After you have finished, rinse the plunger with hot water and soap to remove any bacteria or germs.

Using a toilet plunger to clean a shower drain is a simple and effective method that can save you time and money. However, if the clog is severe, you may need to use a drain snake or call a professional plumber.

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How to Clean a Shower Drain With a Drain snake?

A drain snake, also known as a drain auger, can be used to remove clogs that a plunger cannot. This tool features a long, flexible wire that is inserted into the drain to dislodge blockages. Cleaning a shower drain with a drain snake can be an effective way to remove clogs.

Here are the steps you can follow:

Insert the snake into the drain:
Insert the end of the snake into the drain, and turn the handle clockwise to feed the wire into the pipe. Keep pushing the snake down the drain until you feel resistance.

Turn the handle counterclockwise:
Turn the handle counterclockwise to help break up the clog.

Continue pushing and turning the snake:
Keep pushing and turning the snake until you feel the clog break apart or begin to move.

Remove the snake from the drain:
Once the clog has been cleared, slowly pull the snake out of the drain.

Flush the drain with hot water:
After removing the clog, flush the drain with hot water to clear any remaining debris.

Clean the snake:
After you have finished, clean the snake with hot water and soap to remove any bacteria or germs.

Using a drain snake to clean a shower drain can be an effective method for removing stubborn clogs. However, it is important to use caution and follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using a drain snake to avoid damaging your pipes or injuring yourself. If you are uncomfortable using a drain snake, consider calling a professional plumber.

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Stunning Bathroom Shower
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How to unclog shower drain with a cleaning solution?

You may want to use a cleaning solution to remove any buildup or residue in the drain. Common cleaning solutions include baking soda, vinegar, and commercial drain cleaners. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using a commercial drain cleaner. Cleaning solutions can be an effective way to unclog a shower drain, especially for minor clogs.

Here are the steps you can follow:

Remove any visible debris:
Use your fingers or a pair of tweezers to remove any hair, soap scum, or other visible debris from the drain.

Pour boiling water down the drain:
Boiling water can help to soften and loosen the clog.

Pour a cleaning solution down the drain:
You can use a variety of cleaning solutions, including baking soda and vinegar, commercial drain cleaners, or a mixture of both.

For baking soda and vinegar:
Pour 1/2 cup of baking soda down the drain, followed by 1/2 cup of vinegar. Cover the drain with a cloth or drain stopper and let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes. Then, pour boiling water down the drain to flush away the clog.

For commercial drain cleaners:
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully, as different cleaners may require different methods of use. Be sure to wear rubber gloves and work in a well-ventilated area.

Wait and flush with hot water:
Allow the cleaning solution to work for at least 10-15 minutes before flushing the drain with hot water. The hot water will help to wash away the loosened debris.

Repeat if necessary:
If the clog is not fully cleared, repeat the process several times until the drain is completely clear.

Overall, using a cleaning solution to unclog a shower drain can be an effective and affordable solution for minor clogs. However, for more severe clogs, you may need to use a plunger or drain snake, or call a professional plumber.


Unique Bathroom Shower
Unique Bathroom Shower

How to prevent a clogged shower drain?

Preventing a clogged shower drain is often easier than dealing with one after it has occurred.

Here are some steps you can take to prevent a clogged shower drain:

Use a drain cover:
A drain cover can catch hair and other debris before it goes down the drain.

Clean the drain regularly:
Use a pair of tweezers or a drain cleaning tool to remove any visible debris from the drain regularly.

Use a strainer or catch basin:
Place a strainer or catch basin over the drain to catch any hair or other debris that may accumulate in the drain.

Use a natural drain cleaner:
Pouring a mixture of baking soda and vinegar down the drain once a month can help to prevent clogs by breaking down any buildup of soap scum or other debris.

For commercial drain cleaners:
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully, as different cleaners may require different methods of use. Be sure to wear rubber gloves and work in a well-ventilated area.

Be mindful of what you put down the drain:
Avoid pouring grease, oil, or coffee grounds down the drain, as they can solidify and cause clogs.

Install a water softener:
Hard water can lead to mineral buildup in pipes, which can cause clogs over time. Installing a water softener can help to prevent this.

By taking a few preventative measures, you can help to avoid clogged shower drains and the hassle that comes with them.

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Bathroom Remodel | Tanaqua Project

How to Prevent and Get Rid of Smells in a Shower Drain?

shower drain smells can be caused by a buildup of hair, soap scum, and other debris in the drain.

Here are some steps you can take to prevent and get rid of smells in a shower drain:

Clean the drain regularly:
Use a pair of tweezers or a drain cleaning tool to remove any visible debris from the drain regularly. This can help to prevent odors from developing.

Use a natural cleaner:
Once a month, pour a mixture of baking soda and vinegar down the drain. The mixture will help to break down any buildup of soap scum or other debris that may be causing odors.

Use a drain cleaner:
Commercial drain cleaners can also be effective in removing odors from a shower drain. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully, and be sure to work in a well-ventilated area.

Use a bacterial/enzyme drain cleaner:
Pouring a mixture of baking soda and vinegar down the drain once a month can help to prevent clogs by breaking down any buildup of soap scum or other debris.

Use a drain cover:
A drain cover can catch hair and other debris before it goes down the drain, which can help to prevent odors from developing.

Having a clean and odor-free shower drain is essential to keep your bathroom clean and healthy. Regularly cleaning your drain using our suggested methods will help to reduce buildup of hair, soap scum and other debris so it won’t cause any bad odors. Furthermore, using a combination of a drain cover, hot water flush and deodorizing products can help to keep your drains smelling fresh. Lastly, if you find that none of the above solutions work, don’t hesitate to seek out professional help – we are here to assist you! We offer free consultation for our bathroom remodeling services; contact us today if you require assistance with your drains!